The Euro-Med Innovation Day: Water, Energy, Food event will gather Euro-Mediterranean and Lebanese innovators, researchers, policy makers, international companies, investors and industrialists to exchange around the latest innovations and findings in the Water, Energy, Food sectors following a NEXUS approach and explore partnerships and business opportunities.
It is organized by Berytech in Lebanon with the financial support of the European Union, in collaboration with Beirut Digital District in the context of the 5TOI_4EWAS project GA 692523, an EU H2020 funded project that aims at encouraging innovation and research in the fields of energy, food and water in the Southern Mediterranean countries by supporting and connecting stakeholders, researchers and partners from the region and facilitate international cooperation for the development of innovative solutions in those sectors.
Who can attend?
From the fields of water, energy and food:
Agenda and further information
Please click here to view the agenda as well as the list of speakers and other Innovation Day details.