Webinar On Intellectual Property as Vector for Green Innovation in Lebanon and the Mediterranean
Tuesday, 10 May 2022 · 4:00 pm till 5:00 pm (Beirut time) · Via Zoom
Tuesday, 10 May 2022 · 4:00 pm till 5:00 pm (Beirut time) · Via Zoom
Following the development of two National Intellectual Property Rights reports in Lebanon in the green sector and in the textile and fashion sector, in the context of the GIMED and STAND Up! projects respectively, funded by ENI CBC Med, Berytech with SCP RAC are organizing an online webinar to showcase the key findings of these 2 reports and to highlight the importance of developing the circular
Berytech, through EU-funded programs, has played a major role in developing methodological approaches to develop circular economy in Lebanon and in the Mediterranean region. In addition, Berytech launched in October 2021 two consultancy missions to develop an Intellectual Property Rights reports in Lebanon in the green, and textile and fashion sectors and explore new opportunities in these sectors. The reports will serve as practical guidebook that guides innovators and stakeholders in the green sector on how to develop, protect and commercialize Green IP innovations and fashion/textile innovations in Lebanon and the Mediterranean.
The main objective is to showcase the reports’ findings and the opportunities in these sectors in the Mediterranean for entrepreneurs and researchers.. This webinar will showcase a clear roadmap for researchers and innovators to access external markets by protecting and commercializing their inventions.
4:00pm – 4:05pm
4:05pm – 4:15pm
4:15pm – 4:25pm
4:25pm – 4:30pm
4:30pm – 4:40pm
4:40pm – 4:50pm
4:50pm – 4:55pm
4.55pm – 5:00pm
Programs Director, Berytech
Krystel Khalil is currently the Programs Director at Berytech. She manages the projects lab unit, responsible for the design, development, fundraising, partnership development and management of innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development programs, on the local and international scale.
With more than 13 years’ experience in the field of communication, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and innovation, Krystel has developed an extensive experience in communication and outreach, business development, program development and implementation, from which EU-funded regional projects, tackling various innovation areas including technology, social entrepreneurship, technology transfer, cleantech, green and sustainable energy and more.
She runs communication and roadshow activities to promote entrepreneurship on the local and international level, while assisting entrepreneurs through coaching and advisory in communication strategy, social entrepreneurship and business model. In parallel, she gives university lectures and workshops in marketing research and entrepreneurship.
Krystel is a certified mentor from Mowgli Foundation and Confideo Venture Mentoring – affiliated to MIT. She holds a master’s degree in marketing and a bachelor’s in business from Saint-Joseph University, in addition to a social entrepreneurship diploma from INSEAD. She is a member of the US State Department alumni, part of the US Active Citizen Summit Program.
Krystel has attended entrepreneurship conferences, events and capacity building activities in over 15 countries and currently manages 5 international innovation and entrepreneurship programs at Berytech.
Her expertise: entrepreneurship, social innovation, environmental innovation, technology transfer, communication, coaching and advisory for startups, business development, program and partnership development.
Project Manager, SCP/RAC
Anna Ibañez, B. in Law (UB-Barcelona), PGCert in Cultural Management and Policies (UOC-Barcelona), MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (UOC-Barcelona), is the Project Manager at UNEP/MAP-SCP/RAC. She coordinates the ENI CBC MED funded STAND Up! project. Ms. Ibañez has more than 8 years of experience in the field of sustainability and specializes in supporting sustainable business development and innovation and fostering sustainable consumption the Mediterranean with a special focus on the intersection between the role of companies as drivers of circular consumption models and the change in consumer behaviour as a lever for change towards a circular economy.
Senior Expert - Business and SME development, Joint Technical Secretariat - Programme ENI CBC MED
Valeria has an honours master’s degree in Social Anthropology, from Edinburgh University (UK); a Master’s in International Co-operation (Development) from the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) in Milan (IT), a Diploma in Sustainable Tourism and Local development obtained at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation, and has done an Executive course in Project Management at CUOA Business School in Vicenza (IT).
She was previously Project officer in international development (2001-2011) for various international NGOs in Italy, Mexico and Colombia, Project manager for the largest SME Association in Italy (2013 – 2020): deputy head of the international department from 2013 to 2016 (took part in and organised multiple of trade fairs, b2b meetings and hosted plenty of international delegations); head of the projects’ department since 2016. Her projects focused on SME development, business model innovation, internationalisation, smart city, industry 4.0, VET and all the services that can be developed and offered to micro and small companies. She designed, set up and coordinated a customised service with a dedicated team of 15 full-time staff, for MSMEs seeking public funding for internationalisation, R&I, business model innovation, transfer of business, etc. She represented the Association at various high level international meetings, fora and seminars, including public speaking and moderating engagements.
Sustainability Manager, TEXFOR Textile Industry Confederation
David Allo is the Head of Sustainability at TEXFOR – The Confederation of the Textile Industry, the leading textile business association in Spain, representing 3,894 companies, the vast majority SMEs, which employ 42,873 people and reach a turnover of € 4,755M.
They defend the collective interest of Spanish textile companies that manufacture or market yarns, fabrics, textile manufactures and accessories, finishes and/or prints, for the clothing, home and technical and industrial markets.
Dabchy is an online platform, a localized fashion marketplace (a website and a mobile app) that allows women to revamp their wardrobes by buying and selling their used clothing online.
Their “Special Sauce” lies in the fact that they are operating as a trusted third party for each transaction. Sellers are guaranteed to receive their money and buyers are protected from unpleasant surprises when receiving their items.
They have achieved their goals of bringing, in 5 years of activity, more than 500,000 registered users on the platform and a catalog of more than 1M items for sale. Also, they are expanding to Egypt in 2021.
ID.EIGHT was born from the meeting between Dong Seon Lee and Giuliana Borzillo, both of whom come from the world of footwear, in which they worked and where they met: Dong is a designer and Giuliana a product manager. Together they have created a collection of sneakers with a refined and at the same time sustainable and ethical design. The shoes are made in Italy with low environmental impact materials from food industry waste such as apple and grape skins, pineapple leaves, recycled cotton and polyester. ID.EIGHT, where ID stands for Identity and Eight (therefore the number 8) embodies infinity, the ability to regenerate and therefore eco-sustainability, is the project of eco-sustainable sneakers, made with waste from the food and materials industry recycling. The goal is to launch a low environmental impact shoe, made in Italy, made with innovative and eco-sustainable materials, unisex, with a refined design that recalls the 90s.
Register now to get your access ticket.
Berytech is a partner of STAND Up! Sustainable Textile Action for Networking and Development of circular economy business ventures in the Mediterranean, an EU-funded project under the ENI CBC Med programme.
The STAND Up! Project addresses the need for transition to an environmentally and socially responsible circular model in the textile sector, a traditional key industry in the Mediterranean with an undoubtful cross-border nature.
The project intends to support textile entrepreneurs and eco-innovative ventures in 5 participating countries and help them seize the business opportunities and employment that the green evolution will inevitably generate in the region.
STAND Up! Goal is ambitious and so is its scope with many actions to be undertaken in training, financial grants, market stimulation, technology transfer, Intellectual Property Rights protection, etc.
As a result, the SMEs of the sector will be more competitive and, at aggregate level, the value chain will be strengthened, and new cross-border linkages established.
Berytech, in the context of the EU-funded GIMED Project, has launched a call for applications for established early-stage green startups working on eco-innovative products or services, providing them with the support they need to grow their ventures, build green strategies and regional business connections, and have better access to finance and market opportunities in the Mediterranean.
Eco-innovators running early-stage businesses will get the chance to develop and strengthen their capacities in order to secure investments and business opportunities, enhance their environmental and social value creation, improve their sustainability, support product and service development and plan for success in the green and circular market in the Mediterranean.
If you have any questions about the Webinar, please email joseph.chreim@berytech.org, and he will get back to you.
Berytech Mathaf
Damascus Street, Museum District
Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 (1) 61 25 00
Berytech Mar Roukoz
Saint Joseph University
Sciences & Technology Campus
Dekwaneh, Mount Lebanon
+961 (4) 53 30 40
Berytech BDD 1294
Bechara El Khoury Street
Beirut Digital District
Bachoura, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 (1) 64 95 55
P.O. Box
11-7503 Riad el Solh, 1107 2240 Beirut, Lebanon