Under the Patronage of the President of the Council of Ministers His Excellency Mr. Saad Hariri
The Urb-Hackathon is organized in Beirut by e-EcoSolutions and IPT Energy Center (IPTEC) and with the strategic support of Berytech, the French Embassy in Lebanon – French Institute, the Order of Engineers and Architects, the United Nations Global Compact Network Lebanon, and UNDP,
The Urb-Hackathon, led by the experts from La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris is under the theme:
This is a unique opportunity for ambitious Professionals, Entrepreneurs, & University Students to work together on solving urban problems in a limited time frame, and in the most technologically advanced and innovative ways.
The Urb-Hackathon drives the participants to form working teams, brainstorm, design, and present solutions that allow cities to function more efficiently, be more responsive to community members and ultimately create better, more equitable and sustainable urban environments for people to live in. In this edition, the projects will be focused on reducing city air pollution caused by transport.
The teams will be guided by Mentors and Experts from France, will be able to use the machines at the unique Berytech FabLab to build prototypes, and will be requested to submit one project idea per team to an international jury panel.
Deadline for applying: February 15th, 2018 – Places are limited
Apply now to be part of this unique experience
Read more about team formation
e-EcoSolutions on info@eecosolutions.com or call on 961 9 856565