3QA has teamed up with Berytech to offer a series of complimentary workshops on Navigating Sustainability in Third Sector Organisations (TSOs). The purpose of the workshops is to strengthen the capacities of TSOs to better navigate organisational development and seize the right opportunities moving forward into the year.
With growing competition for funding and rising expectations from institutional donors for cost-effectiveness, transparency and value for money, 3QA has identified three key areas that would allow TSOs to develop the necessary internal systems and structures to enhance the trust of local, regional and international stakeholders.
Having solid fundraising strategies, effective Monitoring & Evaluation systems in addition to a solid and active board of directors are key constituents that would attract international support to your organisation.
The workshops will be offered by experts from the nonprofit and private sectors and will cover the following topics: Monitoring and Evaluation, Developing a Fundraising Strategy, and Good Governance.
This workshop will take participants through the entire Monitoring & Evaluation process. Participants will be able to develop a logical framework with clear goals, outputs and activities, understand how to manage and evaluate data, and integrate learnings into the organisation and its projects.
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Time: 3:00pm – 7:00m
Venue: Beirut Digital District, BDD 1280
Audience: TSO staff, program managers and experts in Monitoring & Evaluation
Instructor: Rana Haddad is an expert in the nonprofit sector, having more than 20 years’ experience in development and humanitarian contexts at the national, regional and international levels. She joined 3QA’s team of experts as a certified Trusted Charity Mark assessor and trainer. Among other issues, she trains on Results based management, Project cycle management including needs assessment, project design and planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
This workshop will allow participants to explore the entire process of fundraising starting from needs analysis, bid writing and impact assessments, to identifying the key components that make a fundraising strategy successful. Participants will learn how to put together a strategy with SMART goals and conduct a network mapping to visualize their connections and grow their supporter base.
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Location: Beirut Digital District, BDD 1280
Audience: Fundraising and outreach officers, program managers and executive directors
Instructor: Constantin Salameh is a Senior Coach and Investment Advisor with Berytech, providing financial and management advisory services to several companies in Lebanon. He has a 35-year track record in finding, developing and transforming corporations, SMEs and startups across the world. Previously, he held executive positions in many firms, and currently sits on the board of more than 15 companies in the EMEA region.
Participants will be able to examine how to build the foundations of effective governance, understand the role and responsibilities of the board and the framework it must adhere to, and recognize the administrative systems and processes that reinforce the principles of good governance in order to improve board leadership in the organisation.
Date: Friday, March 27, 2020
Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Beirut Digital District, BDD 1280
Audience: Board members and senior managers
Instructor: Dr. Nasser Yassin is the Director at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs and Associate Professor of policy and planning at the Health Management and Policy Department at the AUB. His research and practice interests are within the area of public policy making and governance in countries and societies in transition. Nasser has advised a number of international organisations such as the UNDP, UN-HABITAT, UNFPA and ILO as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations on subjects related to social and human development, post-conflict rehabilitation, and community development.
If you are interested in signing up for the workshops, please book now and 3QA will get back to you within the coming days to confirm your participation.