Agro-processing business was established in 1996 and specializes in the distribution of premium quality fresh fish and the production of smoked fish imported from Scotland and Norway. Royal Gourmet owners have been looking for alternative markets and growth potential, resulting in a decision to enter the international (export) market after identifying several opportunities.
Royal Gourmet already has documented policies and procedures to ensure quality and safety through ISO 22000:2005. However, while negotiating the deal with the new buyer, the latter requires Royal Gourmet to upgrade their food management system (FMS) to ISO 22000:2018 and to obtain British Retail Consortium (BRC) certification.
LED will cost-share with the company to hire a consultant to help in implementing necessary quality assurance measures related to food safety to achieving BRC certification and to upgrading to ISO 22000:2018.
Another consultant would be hired to develop the company’s organizational and operational capacity by helping Royal Gourmet to improve its organizational structure, operational efficiency, functional statements and job descriptions.
With LED’s assistance, the company expects to increase sales and create 15 new jobs by 2020.