LED project kicked off its support to Bachour Co., a food company established in 2011 in the Kaa region of Bekka, that produces makdous, pickles, black and green olives, and olive oil, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the firm on Friday, September 7. Bachour Co. expects to increase its sales and add several full-time jobs for Lebanese citizens.
In 2017, Bachour’s owners decided to begin selling products through their own brand name, Kaasenses.Bachour co. Building on the success of the decision, Bachour is currently negotiating deals with new potential customers.
To expand, Bachour Co. needs to enhance its salesforce and improve their sales and marketing know-how to close the deals and thereby increase revenues.
LED will assist this firm by hiring a local consulting firm, to work with them to recruit and train new sales personnel; coach their management team on how to manage their expanded salesforce, and to carry out improved market assessments.