DairyTech Open Day
Thursday, November 17, 3:00 pm till 5:30 pm, Via Zoom
Thursday, November 17, 3:00 pm till 5:30 pm, Via Zoom
Berytech and ELCIM at Industrial Research Institute (IRI) are organizing the third DairyTech Open Day, an online event engaging participants and stakeholders to co-create the future, explore business opportunities and respond to the most pressing challenges of the Dairy Value Chain (DVC).
During the Dairy-Tech Open Day event, participants will be given the opportunity to attend a keynote speech by a technical expert in the field, a panel discussion on technological advances as an alternative to traditional methods, meetings with dairy experts and entrepreneurs on both local and regional levels, and success stories presentations. The Dairy-Tech Open Day aims to engage all stakeholders to co-create the future, explore business opportunities and respond to the most pressing challenges of the DVC.
The Dairy-Tech Open Day will take place on November 17th, 2022 at 3:00 pm in a virtual format
The event is open to public and presents a great knowledge and networking opportunity for:
Participants will have access to numerous benefits during and after the event:
Local production of a yellow cheese – Mozzarella which is more in demand by customers and has a longer shelf life.
Healthy yogurt for adults and children sweetened with natural fruits
Gelato ice cream from natural milk, produced from sheep and goats grazing on rain fed marginal lands and mountains.
A Ready-to-eat Snack made of cheese and dried fruits.
Healthy handmade dairy pantry made from Labne, Keshek and Chanklish.
An agricultural project involved in both agrifood and agriculture sectors mainly focusing on dairy products such as laban, labne , halloum, aakawi, double cream and it’s seaking to produce boursin cheese.
Usage of all food resources in smart ways to limit waste and give it the ultimate value.
3:30-3:45 pm
Welcome Session
Mr. Naji Abi-Zeid, Director ELCIM – Industrial Research Institute
Mr. Ramy Boujawdeh, Deputy General Manager – Berytech
Mr Jack Kallassi- CEO of Kallassi Group & President of the Lebanese Dairy Board
Export potential of Lebanese dairy products(TBC)
3:30-3:45 pm
Pitching Sessions with 3 Dairy-Preneurs:
– Jana Mehyedine, Production of Mozzarella Cheese
– Aysha Al Sayed, Kleel Eljabal
– Rita El Hage, Fruzy
3:45-4:30 pm
Panel Discussion: Technical Regulations and Applied Research in the Dairy Value Chain
Moderated by Ms Sandra Sarkis, Manager at Lebanon SoftShore Cluster.
Dr Joseph Matta, Applied Research & Testing Director at the Industrial Research Institute
Mr Mario Akl, General Manager Maliatec
4:30-4:50 pm
Pitching Sessions with 4 Dairy-Preneurs: – Asma Moustafa, Akkar Dairies – Layal El Maalouf, Le Goûter -Faten Istaytiyyah, Gelato ice cream production from sheep and goat milk -Sarah Harb, Bionord |
4:50-5:35 pm
Round tables Groups
Strategic approach to support growth in the Lebanese DVC
Moderated by ELCIM-IRI
Push the small ruminant subsector through technology
Moderated by Berytech
5:35-5:45 pm
Brief on Focus Groups
5.45pm – 5.50pm
Join the Dairy Tech Open Day on November 17,2022
The project will provide financial support for the creation of startups, registration of patents, publications, training classes and workshops in a total of 8 living labs distributed across the Mediterranean area (Italy, Lebanon, Greece, and Tunisia).
Home to some of the world’s most ancient civilizations, hub for trade and transport, unique hotspot for biodiversity, the Mediterranean faces a multitude of common challenges, including climate change, pollution, youth unemployment and social inequality.
Acting together to address these challenges and improve the lives of men and women across the region is the impetus for the 2014-2020 ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”. ENI CBC Med is the largest Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries, including Lebanon, in view of fostering fair, equitable and sustainable development on both sides of the EU’s external borders.
If you have any questions about the TRANSDAIRY Project, please email Mrs. Joelle Elhajjar at joelle.elhajjar@berytech.org, and she will get back to you.
Berytech Mathaf
Damascus Street, Museum District
Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 (1) 61 25 00
Berytech Mar Roukoz
Saint Joseph University
Sciences & Technology Campus
Dekwaneh, Mount Lebanon
+961 (4) 53 30 40
Berytech BDD 1294
Bechara El Khoury Street
Beirut Digital District
Bachoura, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 (1) 64 95 55
P.O. Box
11-7503 Riad el Solh, 1107 2240 Beirut, Lebanon