

Azolla is a genus of aquatic ferns that offers solutions in two variations: as a bio-fertilizer or as a nutritive organic feed substitute. It is a nutrient-rich plant, containing proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, growth promoter intermediaries, and minerals. On a dry weight basis, Azolla has 25-35% protein content, 10-15% mineral content, and 7-10% comprising a combination of amino acids, bio-active substances, and biopolymers. However, its carbohydrate and oil content is very low.

Studies by Plucknett (1982) and Van Hove & López (1983) have concluded that Azolla is the most promising aquatic plant for livestock feed due to its ease of cultivation, productivity, and nutritive value. Azolla has been used as feed for fish, swine, and poultry, and was recommended by Alcantara & Querubin (1985). Furthermore, Tran & Dao (1979) reported that one hectare of Azolla can produce 540-720 kg of protein per month. Given its potential, Azolla offers a promising solution for livestock feed and bio-fertilizer in various regions.

  • Azolla was previously enrolled in Batch 1 of the REAF program.

Team Members

Abdelrahim Harb / Co-Founder

Samer Hamieh / Co-Founder

Rebecca Traboulsi / Co-Founder