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Cloud Pads

With 80% of menstruators in the MENA region favoring disposable sanitary pads over any other product, Cloud aims to redesign period care for the modern menstruator by offering a period pad that is healthy, 100% biodegradable and compostable using innovative eco-materials. 
With 80% of menstruators in the MENA region favoring disposable sanitary pads over any other product, Cloud aims to redesign period care for the modern menstruator by offering a period pad that is healthy, 100% biodegradable and compostable using innovative eco-materials. 
The Cloud Pad is formed with multiple, highly developed layers: a top composition of soft organic cotton, a middle core of a highly absorbent organic cotton composite, sealed to a waterproof bioplastic base layer using eco-friendly adhesives.
Due to a 100% plant-based composition that is highly performant, the pads are fully biodegradable and can be used in composting. The technology used to build the pads can be extended to baby diapers in the future.
Cloud is initially targeting menstruators between the ages of 20 and 35 by offering them a healthier and more ecological solution while also keeping their menstrual habits in mind. 
The Cloud product range will then offer products specifically targeted towards the 13 and 19 age group.
The team is working on an online subscription plan model and making the product available in vending machines in schools, public bathrooms, and restaurants. 
Their expansion plan is to enter the Middle Eastern Market through Dubai and the rest of the UAE and eventually the European market with a biodegradable pad that is cheaper than the available competition.
  • Cloud Pads was previously enrolled in the Cleanergy program

Team Members

Sarah El Harouny / co-founder

Lina Hammoud / co-founder

Yara Haydar / co-founder

Myriam Abou Adal / co-founder

Amir Moujaes / co-founder