ReFuse has for mission to work with underserved communities enabling them to sort recyclables and get rewarded for it.
ReFuse set up collection points for recyclables where people can deposit their sorted waste and then sell the recyclables to local industries and use the revenue to reward people in cash or to fund local community projects.
Their service provides a safe recyclable collection solution to people living in dense urban areas that lack basic services and waste infrastructures. Local inhabitants can dispose of the recyclables they produce, reduce the health and environmental hazards caused by street dumping, and get rewarded for their effort.
In turn, local industries in need of materials can buy high-quality recyclables. ReFuse created a conversation with the community to understand their needs and aspirations, striving to overturn the malfunctioning traditional waste management approach with a solution that could couple both environmental and social impacts. The first collection point opened in December 2021 in Nabah, Bourj Hammoud.