Established in 2004, West Bekaa Country Club (WBCC) is a rural resort situated in West Bekaa close to numerous eco-touristic attractions, which has made it a destination for individuals, families and corporate retreats.
To increase the number of visitors, WBCC has recently added new visitor experiences such as stargazing, hiking, historical tours and eco-tourism activities.
The resort has identified travellers from Europe and Latin America who are interested in ecological and rural tourism in addition to local tourists. WBCC is targeting visitors interested in eco-tourism and related activities.
The increased numbers of guests will have a direct impact on the local value chain since the resort has made deals with small food producers in the village.
The main constraint facing WBCC is that its staff are not well trained to handle the additional occupancy and their service level is not up to the required service standards. The hotel’s HR system also needs review and improvement.
LED will cost-share with WBCC to hire an expert in hospitality services who will train the staff and work with the hotel’s management in order to rehabilitate the hotel’s HR backbone.
With LED’s assistance, the company expects to increase sales and create 12 new jobs by 2020.