On July 11 and 12, 2016 in Barcelona (Spain), 24 innovation actors, such as ministries, universities/research centers and service companies, from 15 different countries: Italy, Belgium, Germany, the UK, France, Austria, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Libya gather together.
These stakeholders are partners of the “Quintuple Helix Approach to Targeted Open Innovation in Energy, Water and Agriculture in the South Mediterranean Neighborhood” – 5TOI_4EWAS – project coordinated by the Department of Chemistry of the University Autonomy of Barcelona (UAB). 5TOI_4EWAS has been funded under the Horizon2020 program promoted by the European Commission.
The aims of the 5TOI_4EWAS project are to:
- build a bridge between innovation and policies to open new markets in the energy, agriculture and water management;
- support the key players in the innovative sectors through a common political action plan;
- facilitate the access to the use of infrastructures, scientific facilities, and laboratories in the MPC and EU areas targeting academic researchers and not only;
- promote the development of RTD and entrepreneurship in the agriculture, water and energy sector throughout the Southern Mediterranean area and the European Union, increasing the participation of Mediterranean partners in the European Research Area.
The goal of this ambitious project is to improve the relationships between public and private institutions by setting up an innovation ecosystem, engaging Mediterranean countries and EU Member States.