On Saturday the 28th of March, Ms. Carole Ammoun, a Lebanese actress and trainer, introduced the Acting Training workshop for leadership skills to members of the Berytech community.
The session included 4 different phases.
First, there was an ice-breaking game for people to get to know each other in a fun way. Then, participants were guided through a body warm up to release the stress, and reduce ailments induced by the sitting position for long hours behind their computers. Warm up also included different walks in the room, which allowed participants to get acquainted with the space, as well as some breath work and voice preparation.
Afterwards, people teamed up in pairs for the ‘Columbian hypnosis’, exercise where one person had to lead the other with their hand. Everyone got the chance to lead and to be led. The purpose of this exercise was for people to experiment the two positions, being a leader and a follower. The exercise ended on a weird mix of both postures, where everybody was leading and following at the same time. It was followed by a discussion where each participant could share whether they prefer to be a leader, a follower or simply work as a team, as well as their view point on leadership.
Participants had then some time to network and get to know each other over a coffee break.
After the coffee break, we went through a very personal exercise that enhanced the way we think. Our non-dominant person had to answer questions written by our dominant self. Questions revolved around our main work issues, their causes and resolutions, the stress felt at work and the decision making process. All these were then shared in small groups and turned into different work scenarios.
In this role play we discovered our acting skills and demonstrated what we were thinking of our different problems and their solutions; it was finally concluded, during a last exchange between all of us, that all answers could be found within us. Sometimes all we need to do is to allow ourselves to think out of the box and consequently make the proper decisions.
All participants were very happy with the training and really enjoyed the mixture of exercises as it was fun and useful at the same time.