Berytech, Organizes SHAAMS Technology & Capacity Building Training on PV Solar Panels


In the framework of SHAAMS EU-funded project, Berytech organized a technology and capacity building training for PV Solar Panels on September 16 & 17, 2015 at Berytech Digital Park.

The training aimed at promoting renewable energy in Lebanon by empowering renewable energy experts with technical competencies to be able to work in the PV industry implementing a self-sustaining growth process. The training covered solar radiation basics, photovoltaic basics and technologies, PV system components, design and sizing of PV systems, testing and commissioning of PV systems.


The training was organized by Pere Soria Alcazar, who is a renewable energy expert from Spain and electrical engineer holding thousands of teaching hours for different levels in solar energy for installers, engineers, architects, energy decision makers, etc..


More than 50 engineers took part in the workshop, and this initiative aims at fostering a pool of renewable energy innovators who will be using the latest technologies to save energy and build a better environment.


SHAAMS project aims at creating a Strategic Hub for the Analysis and Acceleration of the Solar Sector in Mediterranean region, promoting solar energy in the region covered by the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.


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