For the 3rd year in a row Berytech participated in Arabnet Conference 2015 in Beirut the hub for digital professionals and entrepreneurs to connect and learn. Arabnet Aims at building the web industry and supporting entrepreneurship in the region. It is acknowledged to be the largest digital gathering in the MENA region, with a track record of bringing globally-renowned speakers to discuss the latest topics in the field, as well as successfully connecting entrepreneurs and startups with funding and incubation through the Ideathon and Startup Demo competitions.
The Arabnet Experience was a great success this year; like every year, people got the chance to learn more about the opportunities that Berytech is offering to the new pool of entrepreneurs in Lebanon due to the fact that entrepreneurship is being supported by the circular 331. Berytech Fund II, a $51 Million fund from the circular 331, is one of the newest initiatives by Berytech. It is a Capital Venture fund that aims at investing in new startups, SMEs and entrepreneurs.
Furthermore, a panel on this circular was held at the conference where the discussion focused on building the Lebanese knowledge economy in order to reverse the brain drain through supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs which will lead to stimulating the economy and creating jobs.
Mr. Maroun N. Chammas, CEO of Berytech, Stated that “ for the first time in Lebanon we started to see a reverse migration” and “331 is holding our backs now we have to work to make it fruitful”