First Session at USJ with Berytech
The first session of the “Blue Dawn Roadshow” project, launched by An-Nahar, was held at the Saint Joseph University and is being presented in 10 Lebanese universities. The opening session was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Ghassan Hasbani, Editor-in-Chief of An-Nahar Nayla Tueni and European Commission Representative Jose Luis Vinuesa Santamaria.
A projection of a film on the project was followed by a welcoming speech by Tueni, who considered that “Lebanon needs its youth to benefit from the expertise of specialists away from the aspirations of migration.” Then Hasbani spoke about global changes that raise the ceiling of challenges and opportunities, considering that “in the fourth digital revolution, ambitions can be achieved through the use of several facilities and out of traditional thinking.” He continued speaking to the students, “Do not let concerns cause you frustration … The arena is open to you and there is no limit to ambition.”
Jobs for the Future and Present in Lebanon
The sessions were then led by MTV presenter Maurice Matta. The first session was entitled “Jobs for the Future and Present in Lebanon”, in which Berytech CEO Maroun Chammas, Diane Foundation CEO Diane Fadel, INJAZ Executive Director Samar Dany and NuMinds Enrichment CEO Justin Wouter spoke.
The second session focused on the effects of artificial intelligence on the business scene, and the third session focused on changing globalization and the traditional path to success.
The Roadshow
This series of sessions organized by An-Nahar extends from April 1 to 18 and will open the discussion and tell dozens of success stories and convey valuable experiences and information about the needs of the labor market and strengthen the skills and functions of the future at a time of accelerated technological developments. It is another platform through which An-Nahar affirms its supportive role to students and their aspirations, based on the belief in the role of university to drive change in society and the need to broadcast a message of hope about the future.
Each session will be attended by a number of specialists and experts in economics, technology, entrepreneurs, businessmen and women and influential companies in their fields.
An-Nahar is a leading Arabic language, political, independent, Lebanese daily. Today it is a multimedia outlet with various interactive platforms.