The 4th regional SHAAMS meeting, promoting solar energy, gathered Mediterranean partners in “Fondation Sophia Antipolis”, in Nice, France, discussing the project’s major achievements and upcoming initiatives, on November 6 and 7.
Berytech, being the communication leader for this EU-funded Mediterranean project, presented the major achievements realized and aiming at promoting solar energy and technologies in Mediterranean countries.
National initiatives will be planned for the year 2015 developing the renewable energy landscape including a regional collaboration between countries focusing on social and public awareness, in addition to empowering related the ecosystem.
Events in the context of Earth Hour will help promote energy saving and create a social environmental awareness. On a separate note, activities with schools are planned to foster the education towards renewable energies and environmental concerns. Applied trainings targeting university students and professionals will help introduce opportunities and latest technologies to adopt in this sector in the context of “green jobs” and “technology transfer”. In addition matchmaking events are planned to develop BtoB collaboration and exchange between partners.
SHAAMS agenda will be constantly updated on featuring all upcoming initiatives.