DAC Competition Opens the Doors for Arabic Digital Content Development

After launching the digital Arabic content (DAC) competition in Lebanon, under the slogan “Thinking digital? Let’s innovate in Arabic”, Berytech and Escwa, organized the final jury session on January 7, at Berytech Digital Park. The competition aimed at selecting the best and most innovative ideas in the field of DAC. Targeting university graduates and young entrepreneurs aspiring to work in the field of DAC development and consequently establish start-ups that are specialized in this industry. DAC contest was launched in Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen, coupled with an awareness raising workshop including presentations and discussion on the importance of the DAC industry, its opportunities, market projections, and new business models as well as the most promising areas for the industry.

Participating project proposals were evaluated by a national committee including representatives of ESCWA, the partner incubator, and the academic sector, in addition to experts from the business field selected from the participating country.

Two winning projects were selected for the competition in Lebanon, presenting an innovative marketplace for digital content development:
-“Menaversity” which offers an online education platform that helps internet users to learn courses online, including different topics and interactive features.
“Rawy”: which has a publishing platform through which publishers transform their illustrated content into digital books and stories consumable on tablets/PCs/Smart Phone and the web.


The first winners received an incubation period of 6 to 12 months offered by the partner incubator including access to office facilities, training and mentoring, marketing support, access to networks and guidance for establishing a start-up company that is an active player in the market. the second winning price included a subsidized 3 month softlanding package to help acces the lebanese market. During this period, the winning teams will develop their ideas into marketable products. ESCWA will also provide part of the counseling process and practical/technical advice in collaboration with the partner incubators.

For more info check: https://isper.escwa.un.org/FocusAreas/DigitalArabicContent/tabid/260/language/en-US/Default.aspx

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