In the framework of social media week, during the “Sciences, Gaming & Technology” conference, hosted at Berytech, on September 20, H.E M. Sehnaoui, Minister of Telecommunications, lead a press conference entitled “The launching of 3G testing phase in Lebanon”, addressing more than 400 attendees from university students to professionals and experts in the field of technology.
The session started with an introductory word from Mr. Maroun N. Chammas, Chairman and CEO of Berytech, who encouraged all aspiring entrepreneurs having business ideas in technology and telecommunication to innovate and benefit from Berytech platform which offers several opportunities to encourage startup creation and support all the path of self-employment.
The minister exposed the telecommunications landscape in Lebanon, the latest challenges in the sector and opportunities as well as upcoming plans focusing on 3G service and characteristics, answering all the questions addressed by the audience.
Following the press conference, H.E M. Sehnaoui, visited the incubator including the Beirut Internet Exchange Point “Beirut-IX”, where he listened to the explanations of Dr. Nicolas Rouhana, Director of Berytech and spokesperson of BeirutIX, who raised many concerns regarding local loop connectivity and what is needed to get local contents bnooming. After that, HE was welcomed by Berytech entrepreneurs during a networking cocktail reception and was impressed by their motivation for their companies as well as the technological activities and services they offer, emphasizing on the added value and contribution they are offering to the telecom sector in Lebanon.