The Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking concept papers for activities that will serve as catalysts for investments that will substantially increase the competitiveness of Lebanese firms and industry sectors with the objective of creating new jobs supported by increased revenue.
LED is also interested in concepts from organizations that are or are trying to produce goods or offer services that are in high-demand due to COVID-19, but that have specific constraints that are limiting their ability to do so or their ability to meet demand.
LED also welcomes concepts from local private sector organizations that are helping local businesses to overcome the multiple challenges that they are currently facing, whether economic or heath related.
Grants Program Objective
The objective of this grant program is to support LED’s goal of creating new jobs for Lebanese citizens by leveraging the ideas, knowledge, skills, and resources of selected local organizations. The outcomes achieved by LED’s grantees will enhance LED’s overall impact on the Lebanese economy.
LED invites private not-for-profit and for-profit associations, syndicates, or cooperatives or private enterprises to propose activities they wish to implement with LED grant funding.
Supported Activities
LED’s grants are to support activities in two primary areas as follows:
Firm or Industry Competitiveness: Grants shall address constraints that result in directly improving business operations for firms or groups of firms, including those that address the multiple challenges that they are currently facing, whether economic or heath related.
Improved Business Enabling Environment: Grants shall address policy, regulatory, or administrative constraints to doing business that will reduce the cost of doing business, increase investment, or have other beneficial impacts, thereby accelerating private sector growth and job creation.
Applicants may propose grants that relate to one or both areas.
LED is open to supporting solutions in almost any sector, subsector, or market niche. However, preference will be given to grants that support the following sectors: food processing; industry / manufacturing; tourism and hospitality; information technology; or other professional services.
Please submit all questions to the attention of LED Grants via email to