Minister of Industry, Imad Hoballah, discussed today with a delegation from Berytech, headed by Chairman and CEO Maroun N. Chammas, a cooperation project between the Ministry of Industry, the Industrial Research Institute and Berytech, in developing sustainable technological and knowledge programs.
Minister Hoballah stressed the importance of these projects to motivate Lebanon’s educated youth to establish their own projects, create new job opportunities, enhance competitiveness, develop capabilities in institutions, build human skills, and work within specialized groups.
He focused on the need to enable people to make their investment choices — in any project — based on information and statistics, communication with markets and knowledge of their needs, evaluation of research, and consequently activating and applying them to the different industry sectors.
“It is of paramount importance to issue some decisions and decrees in a bid to give incentives to research and development centers,” he added.
In turn, members of the delegation explained that some of the projects implemented by Berytech benefited the small and medium enterprises. “The projects also involve some universities, as well as colleges of engineering, agriculture, science and software, in addition to research centers,” explained Chammas.
Joining the Chairman were Deputy General Manager of Berytech Ramy Boujawdeh, General Manager of IM Capital Dr. Nicolas Rouhana as well as Deputy Program Director at Berytech Salah Awad, and Cleantech Specialist at Berytech Elias Nicolas.
Source: National News Agency