OGER Systems is a startup located at Berytech Digital Park which aims to bring healthcare innovation to the country. The company have a great vision to “unify unique healthcare so that patients wherever, whenever they pay a visit to any medical center they have a unique file” this way the patient will avoid loss of information and the doctors will maintain an accurate medical history of the patient.
According to Nassar Achkar it is necessary to understand the medical healthcare system of Lebanon. In fact the primary healthcare refers to all medical centers and the secondary healthcare refers to hospitals. Through The technology offered by OGER System there will no longer be a problem of references. Thus, patients will directly find any available doctor and any of these doctors will have a complete access to the patient’s document.
Nassar states that “We can link patience and doctors by controlling the health of the patience remotely and giving doctors tools and medication”
Unfortunately, Mr. Achkar claims that it has not been easy to establish the system in Lebanon yet because of the governmental pressure. However, it was proven to be a real success in turkey so far and the expansion in the surrounding countries is definitely in the near future plan.
Finally they hope that patients benefit from this technology because it is one of the best way to reduce medical errors, save time, money and lives.