Accessing International Business Opportunities

Join us to discover valuable knowledge and business opportunities for the growth of your cluster with the support of international organizations.

Applications are open for Hosts only.

What is Cluster Connect?

Cluster Connect is a short-term exchange activity between clusters and support organizations from similar or different industrial ecosystems. It involves twinning, matchmaking and knowledge sharing activities, and peer learning between a South Mediterranean cluster the Visitor and a host organization from South Mediterranean and European countries – the Host. 

15 Cluster Connect Missions

To take place throughout the program.

15 Visiting Clusters

From the South Mediterranean region (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia).

15 Host Organizations

Within the whole Euro Mediterranean region.

Activity Timeline

Cluster Connect will be rolled out in 2 phases, with each phase consisting of up to 7 clusters.
These phases are scheduled to occur from November 2023 to October 2025

Cluster Connect's Activities

Berytech will be developing the Cluster Connect activities based on a needs assessment phase followed by an action plan determined by the Host and the Visitor across three-months  
(virtual and face-to-face visit to the host country).


Promoting the exchange

of good practices between peers

Networking and Matchmaking

facilitated between clusters


the business models

Creating collaboration opportunities

contributing to the economic growth of the Mediterranean region

The activities listed below may include, either individually or collectively:

  • Capacity building or technical assistance.
  • Access to market, and business development.
  • Networking, site visits, conferences, exhibitions, events…
  • Acquisition of certifications and labels.
  • Access to finance.

Who Can Participate?



Benefits of Cluster Connect



About the Activity

Facilitating Transnational Collaboration and Innovation

Cluster Connect will be implemented by Berytech for two years in the Euromed Region. Berytech is the partner of the EuroMed Clusters Forward (ECF) Project that is funded by EU-DG NEAR and coordinated by ANIMA Investment Network.