The Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area

PRIMA is an initiative launched by Euro-Mediterranean Countries to participate in a EU joint research and innovation program.

The Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) is an Initiative launched by 19 Euro-Mediterranean Countries, including EU States (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) and non-EU countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey) to participate in a EU joint research and innovation program.

In the legal framework of art. 185 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE) this ambitious initiative is set up to build research and innovation capacities and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for water management and agro-food systems on both shores of the Mediterranean, inspired by principles of co-ownership, mutual interest and shared benefits across the Mediterranean basin.

What we do

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) aims to set the technical and scientific basis for developing knowledge and common innovative solutions for water management and agro-food systems in the Mediterranean basin.

Three thematic areas are identified in this framework: management of water, farming systems and the agro-food value chain.

  1. Management of Water: Integrated and sustainable management of water for arid and semi-arid Mediterranean areas
  2. Farming Systems: Sustainable farming systems under Mediterranean environmental constraints
  3. Agro-Food Value Chain: Sustainable Mediterranean agro-food value chain for regional and local development.

These three areas, each with specific priorities and thematic/operational objectives, are mutually intercepted and cross-fertilized. Cross-cutting themes that, transversely influence and emerge from the three areas, are identified, explored and developed.

Soil sustainability, food security and socio-economic development are included as specific transversal topical areas of research. In addition, cross-cutting technologies and approaches such as ICT and capacity building will be specifically considered. This reveals the strong nexus between sustainable management of water resources, farming systems and agro-food value chains and is the starting point from which further synergies and deeper integration can be achieved.

PRIMA research and innovation activities are underpinned by a strong commitment to national, regional and international networking and are open to combined action, collaboration and synergies among researchers, governmental agencies and private stakeholders. The strategic goal is strengthening innovation capacity, aligning national programs and critical mass engagement within PRIMA participating countries.

PHEMAC Project

The Participatory hub for effective mapping, acceleration and capitalization of EU-MPC NEXUS best practices – PHEMAC aims to develop and disseminate an interactive platform that will gather and share best practices focused on PRIMA SRIA priorities, involving a wide range of stakeholders from the farming system, water management and agri-food sectors. Berytech is an implementing partner of the PHEMAC Project in Lebanon.

Learn more about the PHEMAC Project here.

Source: PRIMA-SRIA_Strategic-Research-and-Innovation-Agenda

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