To limit our interaction with one another during the coronavirus crisis, the majority now is working from home. Berytech shares few tips and inspirations to help you create boundaries between your work and your personal life.
Don’t change your routine
If you regularly wake up at 6:30am, take a shower, have a coffee and breakfast before being at the office at 8:00am, then try to stick to your original routine before starting your day to work from home. This includes getting dressed even if you’re heading to the next room.
Create your office environment
Rather than setting up a camp at the kitchen table or on the sofa, designate a space to set up your workspace (preferably in a quiet and well lit room). This way, you are mentally prepared to be in your “workspace”, plus, you won’t have to move your work supplies when you’re finished with them.
Make sure your kids or spouse know it’s work time and that just because you are at home, it does not mean you are available. Your two or three year old kids will be tempted to touch the keyboard, mouse and laptop as this is a new territory for them too. Talk to them about what’s happening and have their favorite toys or coloring books and craft materials at hand (but give it to them one by one) to use them whenever you need to pull their attention away. If nothing works, try the tablet 🙂
Avoid Isolation
Social distancing does not mean not talking. To stay connected to your coworkers, set a fixed time to have a call with them, preferably a video call or facetime or why not Zoom? The Berytech team has been using it diligently and it’s quite efficient.
Stay Healthy
Your daily steps are about to go down. Since you are no longer commuting, you are encouraged to replace your regular transit time Home-Office by a routine exercise to release energy, relieve stress, boost your immunity and help you stay fit. Create a habit to stand up, stretch out, walk few steps and most importantly, beware of the excessive eating. Keep the snacks away but do make sure to take a standard lunch break away from your “workspace” and don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated.
End Your Day with a Routine
Just as you should start your day with a routine, create a habit that signals the close of your workday from home.
And most importantly, stay safe!