On June 26, 2018, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) celebrated the launch of the Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) project, a business promotion partnership with Berytech to provide business development services in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, South Lebanon, and the Bekaa. Under the partnership, LED will offer customized technical assistance to local businesses to help identify and solve challenges to business growth, productivity, and profitability. In this way, LED will promote increased employment opportunities for Lebanese. The launch event took place in Beirut with USAID Mission Director Dr. Anne Patterson, Berytech Chair and CEO Maroun Chammas, and Lebanese businesses, associations, and unions, and project stakeholders.
Last month, LED signed a similar partnership with the Business Incubation Association in Tripoli (BIAT) to introduce business development activities in North Lebanon where the project will support businesses of all sizes from a wide range of sectors, including agro-food, tourism and hospitality, pharmaceutical/medical, information and communications technology, fashion/garments, and manufacturing. LED works with stakeholders and partners to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to problems affecting the business enabling environment.
Dr. Patterson said during the event:
“Lebanon’s small- and medium-sized enterprises, together with the capability and entrepreneurial spirit of its people, have the ability to grow this economy and generate more jobs–often with just a little push or a helping hand to achieve more. USAID’s partnership with the private sector has gone a long way to supporting resilience, enhancing growth, and expanding opportunities for the Lebanese”
Maroun Chammas, Chairman and CEO of Berytech, expressed that Berytech is delighted at participating in the launch of an entrepreneurship initiative that reaffirms our commitment to Lebanon’s stability and economic growth. He continued:
“Berytech was chosen as the Business Promotion Partner for three regions, and we couldn’t be happier to be part of such a great undertaking for Lebanon with the generous funding of USAID. Our shared objectives with LED include, above all, preventing brain drain from Lebanon by supporting job creation. Berytech was the first technology magnet in Lebanon and the region providing a conducive environment for the creation and development of Lebanese start-ups and SMEs, and we are proud that our model has proven successful. Thanks to our rigorous corporate governance standards aligned with international ones, donors trust us with their programs and investments.”
If you believe that you can benefit from the LED project, please complete this form.