Berytech Launches the Green Applied Research and Innovations Support Program

The program gives innovators and researchers the chance to turn their solutions into successful green startups

Berytech, in the context of the EU-funded Green Impact MED Project (GIMED), has launched the Green Applied Research & Innovations Support Program to help green entrepreneurs working on green research and innovation projects take their projects to market.

The program gives innovators and researchers the chance to turn their solutions into successful green startups. Selected projects must offer products, processes, or technologies leading to environmental improvements and sustainability such as energy-saving, pollution-prevention, waste recycling, green product designs, or corporate environmental management, and more.

The Program

Throughout the 10-month program, Berytech will build the capacities of the selected projects offering them the needed access to financing and networking opportunities to bring their innovation to the Mediterranean markets, as well as support to contribute to a greener economy, and secure more jobs, especially for women and youths.

The selected startups will begin with a 2-month capacity building program tailored to support them in developing their green business models, access to finance and market strategies. The twenty (20) entrepreneurs will pitch in front of a selected jury that will select ten (10) to continue to the next acceleration phase. The ten (10) entrepreneurs will benefit from one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to their needs to access finance and market opportunities and group coaching sessions where they will benefit from peer learning and targeted workshops.

After completing the coaching support phase, the ten (10) projects will compete in a pitching event where four (4) will be selected to win grant prizes and 3-month incubation support. The participants will get the opportunity to meet with investors to connect and potentially secure funding. The final four (4) will benefit from 3-month incubation support from Berytech as well as receive a grant of 7,500€ to be spent on technical and business support. They will also have scheduled regional and international events to secure B2B meetings, trade deals and potential investments.

Qualification Criteria

To qualify, the green applied research projects or innovations must offer green products, processes, or technologies that are close to the market with intellectual protection potential. They should have an existing prototype that is locally developed with the potential of scalability, combining innovation, technology and economic viability. The founding team of experts must be committed to implementing the project as an independent venture and should have a minimum of two preferably young and women members per team. To learn more and apply to the Green Applied Research & Innovations Support Program, please visit the website here.


Berytech is the official partner of The Green Impact MED Project – Positive Investments for Positive Impacts (GIMED), an EU-funded project under the ENI-CBC Med Programme aiming at supporting green entrepreneurs to better access finance and market in the Mediterranean. The project provides training, coaching sessions, capacity building workshops, and sub-grants to consolidate green business creation and green business development. Learn more about the GIMED Project.

The Project In Numbers

  • Duration: 46 months
  • Start date: 01 September 2019 – End date: 31 August 2023
  • Total budget: 2.633.106,29 €
  • EU contribution: 2.369.106,29€ (90% co-financing to project)
  • Main source of funding: European Union (ENI CBC Med Programme) 

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