Creating impact, tackling the high rates of youth unemployment, and increasing their accessibility to the knowledge economy are the continuous objectives of this second collaboration between Berytech and UNICEF under the GIL Programme.
GIL program works to assist the marginalized youth in rural areas, empower them through technical, digital, and lifelong learning skills development, equip them for professional readiness and employability, as well as to introduce them to design thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Carla Saba, Deputy General Manager of Berytech, confirms that “It takes both sides to build a bridge! In fact, we’re collaborating again towards the common objective of helping others succeed – in particular our youth. Creating and managing innovation and entrepreneurial spaces in rural areas and building a community around them couldn’t have been achieved without joining our expertise, competencies, and resources. The GIL programme’s stresses mainly on Digital Fabrication and Lifelong Learning skills, and prepares the youth to be market-ready.”
Creation of Fabrication Labs
With the support of Berytech, three Fabrication Labs, in the Lebanese University of Tripoli and Nabatiyeh as well as the Sibline Training Center (managed by UNRWA), will be equipped to welcome youth, students, techies, and makers in these regions to exchange ideas and know-how, learn and develop through attending training workshops.
Berytech will be launching two out of three Fab labs in the upcoming month with a plan to develop their visibility, online presence, and outreach as well as a third Fab Lab in the upcoming months. The spaces are being set up, the equipment tested, the staff members recruited and trained.
Community Building
Part of the community building activities for the GIL Lab managers, Berytech brought together youth leaders with a mission to inspire, support, and empower by telling their stories and sharing their experiences. Berytech will also partner with makers from different backgrounds to share their digital fabrication experience and success stories with the GIL Youth.
Meanwhile, Berytech is partnering with skilled trainers to deliver technical and vocational trainings and innovative skill-building programs related to digital fabrication, design, and software for improved market readiness and employability of the GIL youth.
Advanced Incubation and Business Support
Berytech will put at the disposal of the GIL startups all the expertise and competencies accumulated in the incubation and acceleration field, through designing a tailored incubation program that would bring them further guidance, trainings, and support in developing their projects.
Future of Jobs
Berytech created a full Future of Jobs toolkit comprising of several set of modules aiming at helping GIL lab managers in their outreach and beneficiary enrollment, in addition to directing students in the course selection and long-life learning process.
GIL lab managers and coordinators were fully trained by experts in the field to have a hands-on understanding.
About GIL
The Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL – جيل) is a program by UNICEF designed to address the high unemployment rates among youth in Lebanon & their lack of access to the knowledge economy.
UNICEF has established 8 Innovation Labs (the total number of planned Gil labs being 13) and has equipped over 12,000 youth from all over Lebanon with Digital, Social Entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking skills in addition to Tech Woodwork courses.
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