Welcome to the Rural Entrepreneurs in Agri-Food (REAF) Youth Training Program

Empowering The next Generation of Youth in Rural Areas

The REAF Youth Training Program is a unique opportunity for young people in rural areas of South Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa, and the Hasbaya or Baalbek regions to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to launch successful rural economic businesses. The program aims to strengthen the socio-economic resilience of vulnerable groups, and promote innovation in the sectors of agrifood, sustainable agriculture, circular economy, sustainable and renewable energy, or waste management and valorization.  

REAF Man on Laptop

Applications for the REAF Youth Training Program are now open.

About the REAF Youth Training Program

The 18-month training program covers a range of topics, including agri-food processing, manufacturing, and social and green entrepreneurship. It also focuses on soft skills such as effective communication, public speaking, body language, storytelling, presentation, and pitching. With a focus on women and people with disabilities, the youth training is aimed at equipping young individuals from diverse academic backgrounds with the tools they need to succeed in the labor market.  

Who Can Apply?

The REAF Youth Training Program is open for young individuals who are passionate about agriculture, sustainable agriculture, circular economy, sustainable and renewable energy, or waste management and valorization, in South Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa, or the Hasbaya and Baalbek areas.  


  • Open to Lebanese youth aged between 18 and 35.
  • Located in South Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa, or the Hasbaya and Baalbek areas.
  • Preference given to women and people with disabilities.
REAF Man in Field

What Does the Program Offer?

The youth training program will be delivered over a period of 18 months and will cover a range of topics related to agri-food processing, social and green entrepreneurship, and soft skills. The program will be divided into multiple clusters, each consisting of several related topics. 

Entrepreneurship Cluster:

  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship in Rural Economies
  • Green Entrepreneurship

Soft Skills Cluster:

  • Effective Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Body Language
  • Story Telling Presentation & Pitching

Design Thinking Cluster:

  • Introduction to Design Thinking
  • Empathy and User-Centered Design
  • Problem Definition and Reframing
  • Prototyping and Iteration
  • User Testing and Feedback

Each cluster will be delivered in a class format for a maximum of 20 participants, and the training will be conducted at the hub of the community stakeholder designated for that particular cluster of topics. The duration of each cluster will vary depending on the specific topics covered.

Upon completion of the two main training clusters of the REAF Youth Training Program, participants will enhance their entry to the labor market to maintain their growth and development, as they develop the skills and knowledge necessary to start a successful rural business and make a positive impact in their community.

Join Us Today

Applications for the REAF Youth Training Program are now open.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are passionate about agrifood and rural entrepreneurship, don’t miss this opportunity to apply for the REAF Youth Training Program today!

Donors & Partners

The program is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in partnership with Berytech within the framework of the project Strengthening Agriculture, Local Communities, and Small and Medium Enterprises (ACE). 

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community Stakeholders

Michel Daher Foundation and Rural Entrepreneurs will carry out, along with Berytech, the outreach activities, youth entrepreneurship enablement, ideathons and entrepreneurship support activities to strengthen and sustain the capacity of local communities.

Michel Daher Foundation MDF

Need more info?

If you have any questions or need information email us