Rural Entrepreneurs in Agri-Food

The Rural Entrepreneurs in Agri-Food (REAF) program aims at strengthening the business and product viability of innovative startups tackling sustainable rural economic development, and operating in South Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa, and the Hasbaya and Baalbek areas. The program provides startups with the tools to transform their ideas into sustainable and profitable businesses, and offers youth training to enhance the entrepreneurship mentality and facilitate entry into the job market.  

Man in Field

Applications for the REAF Youth Training Program are now open.

About the REAF Program

REAF aims at strengthening the socio-economic resilience of individuals in South Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa, and the Hasbaya and Baalbek areas, through supporting the business model viability of innovative startups in agrifood, sustainable agriculture, circular economy, renewable and sustainable energy, and waste management and valorization. 

REAF’s goal is to empower youth, women, and people with disabilities in rural areas with a set of skills that will enable them to thrive in their communities, enhancing the overall Lebanese socio-economic landscape 

Women Walking

The REAF Program includes:

  • A field assessment study evaluating the current situation in South Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa, and the Hasbaya and Baalbek areas.
  • Awareness campaigns and ideathons focusing on youth in the targeted areas.
  • An incubation program of four batches for startups.
  • Youth training to enhance soft skills and provide the necessary tools for the development of an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Financial in-kind grants for startups taking part in the incubation program.

Targets of The Program


youths located in the South of Mount Lebanon, Central and West Bekaa areas


women out of the total 750 youths


people with disabilities out of the total 750 youths


startups to benefit from the 3-month pre-incubation phase and grants


startups to benefit from the 5-month follow-on incubation phase and grants


jobs to be created directly or indirectly

Donors & Partners

The program is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in partnership with Berytech, within the framework of the project Strengthening Agriculture, Local Communities and Small and Medium Enterprises (ACE). 

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community Stakeholders

Michel Daher Foundation and Rural Entrepreneurs will carry out, along with Berytech, the outreach activities, youth entrepreneurship enablement, and ideathons and entrepreneurship support activities to strengthen and sustain the capacity of local communities.

Michel Daher Foundation MDF
The Role of Berytech

As part of the REAF program, Berytech is implementing the following scope

Mobilizing experts to conduct field assessments and current situation analysis.

Launching awareness campaigns.

Making experts available before each incubation phase to support the building and launching of a Minimum Viable Product.

Providing capacity-building training to the selected community stakeholders.

Providing the needed ecosystem linkages.

Mobilizing Berytech’s experts to deliver trainings and clinics in entrepreneurship and soft skills for startups and youth.

Join the REAF Incubation Program

Applications for the REAF Youth Training Program are now open.

Meet the Berytech team

Need more info?

If you have any questions or need information email us