Wall Creation customizes wallcovering for unique interior spaces, shaking the old industry of wallpaper production to re-introduce it into the modern world. Wall Creations offers an end-to-end solution that includes the designing service and the product execution and installation through a seamless digital experience.
We talked to Nayla Madi, founder of Wall Creation, about the impact of the support she received through the WEEL project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France.
Growth and Impact
“With the economic crisis in Lebanon, growing a business from scratch is very challenging. We needed financial support to achieve our objectives. The WEEL project opened wide windows for us by providing support on three levels: networking, mentoring, and funding.
Today and because of the WEEL grant, we were able to hire freelance designers to create and develop patterns and a team of 2 installers. We are expecting to receive a new printing machine to increase our in-house production capacity, which will serve more customers, reduce import and give room for more jobs to be created.
With most of our business happening through social platforms, we need to be on trend in marketing and commerce. The WEEL project provided us with technical assistance and knowledge necessary to expand.”
About WEEL
WEEL is part of a larger programme, the EU for Women Empowerment (EU4WE), a 42-month programme (October 2019 – March 2023) funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France. It aims at promoting full and unconditional equality between men and women in Lebanon. The specific purpose of EU4WE is to reduce gender-based violence through women’s empowerment and enhance existing institutional mechanisms working towards gender equality.