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QOOT Cluster Lebanon: Agri-food Innovation

Qoot is the first Lebanese agri-food consortium that brings together Lebanese enterprises, rising SMEs, multinational companies, knowledge providers, support institutions, and investment entities to collaboratively catalyze and innovate the agri-food sector in Lebanon.

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The Next Society: Advocacy Panel for Innovation Policy

Under THE NEXT SOCIETY project, Berytech organized the fourth advocacy panel meeting to showcase the project’s achievements over five years and highlight the impact of the activities held under it to empower the Lebanese Technology Transfer Ecosystem on a national scale.

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ZOOM IN: NanoEbers, Highly Effective Hemostatic Sponges

NanoEbers is an Egyptian startup that has developed highly effective hemostatic sponges that have superior mechanical properties and can absorb up to 60 times their weight of blood and can stop bleeding instantly. Their performance exceeds that of imported hemostatic sponge while NanoEbers is producing the sponges at a low production cost due to lower local manufacturing and a patent-pending manufacturing process.

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