We make cooperation happen in the Mediterranean!
The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries in view of fostering fair, equitable and sustainable development on both sides of the EU’s external borders.
The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries in view of fostering fair, equitable and sustainable development on both sides of the EU’s external borders.
Cluster4Green recently organized Business Boost Training, empowering MSMEs for sustainable growth. Led by circularity expert John Rbeiz, the workshop guided participants in transitioning to circular business models. Five winners were selected to receive tailored support over four months. The Embrace Toolkit and real-world examples provided valuable insights into circular practices. Participants showcased their ideas in a pitching competition, further fostering connections and collaboration. This training marks a significant step towards a greener future.
The event will host more than 30 startups and SMEs with the potential for growth and export, in addition to a dedicated space for more than 15 business support programs working to support businesses in the agri-food sector.
The Growing Innovation Program of the STAND Up! Project created the Access to Finance activity for ventures in the textile and clothing sector to develop their financial literacy skills, learn how to raise funds, and get the opportunity to meet with local and regional investors to potentially secure funding opportunities.
A Hub for Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Home to some of the world’s most ancient civilizations, hub for trade and transport, unique hotspot for biodiversity, the Mediterranean faces a multitude of common challenges, including climate change, pollution, youth unemployment and social inequality.
Acting together to address these challenges and improve the lives of men and women across the region is the impetus for the 2014-2020 ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”. ENI CBC Med is the largest Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries, including Lebanon, in view of fostering fair, equitable and sustainable development on both sides of the EU’s external borders.
The Objective
The general objective of the Programme is to foster fair, equitable and sustainable economic, social and territorial development, which may advance cross-border integration and valorise participating countries’ territories and values. The strategy is based on the following two overall objectives:
The Budget
The overall EU contribution of the Programme for the 2014-2020 period is € 209 million, out of which €188 for project financing. Nearly €20 million are dedicated to Technical Assistance in order to ensure the timely, smooth and efficient implementation of the Programme.
The Programme contributes up to maximum 90% of the total eligible budget costs of the projects, while a co-financing of minimum 10% must be provided at project level. The Programme does not foresee any pre-allocation of funds by country, meaning that projects are selected only on the basis of their quality.
In order to encourage a real co-ownership of the Programme, at least 50% of the project budget shall be dedicated to activities implemented in Mediterranean Partner Countries.
The Countries
The following countries participate in the Programme: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia.
The Managing Authority (JMA) is the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy).
New Business opportunities & Environmental suSTainability using MED GRAPE nanotechnological products
Nexus-driven open labs for competitive and inclusive growth in the Mediterranean
Sustainable Textile Action for Networking and Development of circular economy business ventures in the Mediterranean.
TRANSborder Key Enabling Technologies and Living Labs for the DAIRY value chain
The Programme objective is to foster fair, equitable and sustainable economic, social and territorial development, which may advance cross-border integration and valorise participating countries’ territories and values.
As a member of the Global Compact Network Lebanon, Berytech enacts the 10 principles of the UNGC and the different projects implemented in Lebanon under the ENICBCMED Programme fall under Berytech’s mission to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Berytech Mathaf
Damascus Street, Museum District
Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 (1) 61 25 00
Berytech Mar Roukoz
Saint Joseph University
Sciences & Technology Campus
Dekwaneh, Mount Lebanon
+961 (4) 53 30 40
Berytech BDD 1294
Bechara El Khoury Street
Beirut Digital District
Bachoura, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 (1) 64 95 55
P.O. Box
11-7503 Riad el Solh, 1107 2240 Beirut, Lebanon